Vol.19 Interview of Special Guests / Part 2
Part 1では彼らの英語環境での苦労、そしてそれを見事乗り越えたお話をお聞きしました。Part 2では「どのようにして完璧なバイリンガルに育ったか」などさらに興味深い内容になっています!
幼稚園に入った時から、自宅以外の日常生活は勿論、学校も英語オンリー。日本語は毎週土曜日 朝の9時から午後3時半まで11年間通い続けた日本人学校で習得。日本語を学ぶのではなく、日本の学校と同様に全ての科目を日本語で学ぶのです。あと1年の頑張りで、日本の義務教育課程修了証を授与されます。素晴らしい!
「日本のお婆ちゃん、お爺ちゃんたちと話したい」という思いも後押ししたようですが、育ったのが多様性を重視するロサンゼルス近郊であったこと、公用語と特定の第二言語を身につけることが推奨される環境も功を奏したように思います。彼らにとって日本語は単なる第二言語ではありません。世界を広げてくれるコミュニケーションツールです。言語の背景には文化があることを明確に理解していることも私を驚かせました。お母さんが作ってくれたお弁当を食べる前には必ず日本語で「いただきます」と感謝を表現し、日本語を話す時には英語を話す時よりも 礼儀正しく相手に敬意を払うそうです。
アメリカアリゾナ大学で教育博士(Ph.D.in Education)を取得し、現在はWestern University of Health Science大学でInstitutional Effectiveness Analystを務める聡子Siegelさん。これからも多くの卒業生が、プロスで培った言葉の力を糧に、聡子さんのように国境を軽やかに飛び越えて夢を実現してくれることを願っています。
Special Interview / Part 2 (English Ver.)
Surrounded by English since they entered a kindergarten, they acquired Japanese by going to a Japanese school for eleven years on Saturdays from 9:00 to 3:30. There, they learned all the subjects in Japanese as in Japan, and next year, they will be awarded a Certificate of Secondary Education. Congratulations!
Both say, ‘’We wanted to communicate with mom’s family in Japanese.’’ It was a clear need for them, and the environment where they were brought up, Los Angeles which values diversity and acquisition of a 2nd language, seems to be behind their success.
To them, Japanese is not just a study experience. It’s a communication tool to broaden their horizon. They’ve experientially understood that there’s a culture behind a language and that awareness caught me by surprise. They said that when they speak Japanese, their personalities change to being more polite and respectful. They also said that they say “itadakimasu” in Japanese before eating the bento their mom made for them.
They will become sophomores at high school this fall. In high school, they started studying French and surprised their mom by becoming fluent enough to survive a daily life in just ONE month!
Besides the academic subjects, they are doing volunteer activities that stimulate social development. They will also continue drawing, playing the piano and doing Karate. They are going to be extremely busy exploring future possibilities.
The best-case scenario I personally hope is that they will be involved in education at PROS online in the future. If that happens, it would be a fantastic connection with our students here.
Talking with them was an enriching experience. A 30-plus-year relationship between a language school and its alumni was also eye-opening. I now have realization and a whole new outlook on the possibilities of a language school. This experience gave me great food for thought.
Dr. Satoko Siegel, who acquired Ph.D.in Education and is working at Western University of Health Science.
I heartily hope there will be more like her, who easily cross the border and realize their dream abroad with the power of language acquired at PROS.

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